Lindroth Lab on the cover of Functional Ecology!
Congratulations to Hilary Barker for making the cover of Functional Ecology with her recent publication, “Independent and interactive effects of plant genotype and
environment on plant traits and insect herbivore performance:
A meta‐analysis with Salicaceae” (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13249).
The results display a nuanced view of how both nature and nurture impact the ability of species in the Salicaceae (aspen, cottonwoods, willows) to grow, defend and interact with insect pests. Defense chemistry and insect pest interactions are influenced more by the genetics of the plants, indicating a higher capacity to respond and adapt to these pressures, while growth was strongly shaped by the plant’s environment, indicating an ability to tolerate short-term stresses such as drought.
The photo of the forest tent caterpillar used on the cover was taken by another former member of the Lindroth Lab, Mary Jamieson.
This article was posted in News.