Lab life
Field season is always a busy time in the Lindroth Lab. We’d like to share some pictures of our lab hard at work!
May 2018: Expression Garden
Expression Garden from the north side
Experiment in progress!
Our collaborators: Sybille and Sandra from Jena, Germany
Sandra working her magic with the volatiles collection equipment
Volatiles collection progress!
Sybille preparing leaf samples for scanning
Chris scanning leaves
Caterpillers going back on trees
Flash freezing leaf samples for transcriptomics
The field team!
And we do have some fun at the field too!
LN freeze pops!
Artful leaf scanning!
All dressed in white!
Photos courtesy of S Unsicker, RL Lindroth and JF Riehl
Summer 2016 field season at the WisAsp and Comp Gardens (Arlington Agricultural Research Station).
WisAsp Garden
WisAsp Association Mapping Garden June 2016
WisAsp 2016 Field Crew
Comp Garden
Photosynthesis measurements
Photos courtesy of CT Cole, C Morrow and O Cope